Student wellness at daycare has become a buzzword in board meetings. Each year brings a new round of health and wellness programs for preschoolers and younger children. Daycare providers must develop a curriculum centered around healthy habits in early childhood education.
You can start by identifying gaps within your current system and ensuring students receive the quality care required for holistic growth. To accomplish these goals, childcare facilities need to look beyond academic and intellectual growth. Instead, look at physical development, nutritional intake, and social and emotional learning.
A well-rounded approach to learning ensures young children have the skills and resources required to cope with daily stressors when they grow older. It also teaches them to become independent, self-aware, and emotionally conscious.
Here are three strategies to promote student wellness at daycare centers:
1. Mindful Movement
Sitting idle makes young children restless. It also prevents them from gaining muscle strength and flexibility to develop better fine motor skills.
You can promote health and wellness at the daycare with easy exercises for preschoolers and toddlers. You can dedicate physical education activities to focus on muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.
For instance, games during recess and mindful activities throughout the day allow children to stretch their muscles and move around. Ensure they take breaks after prolonged activities that require sitting.
In addition to traditional exercises, many health and wellness programs for preschoolers are introducing yoga to their curriculum. Experts say that yoga can help young learners cope with daily stressors, practice self-regulation, and manage emotions better.
2. Eating Well
Health and wellness programs are not complete without a section on nutrition. Children at the daycare need to eat well to perform well and remain physically active during lessons.
Whether you serve them meals or the parents pack lunch boxes, ensure that your students eat healthy food.
If you’re serving them at the daycare, make smarter food decisions. Develop healthy and nutritious meal plans without compromising on taste or quality.
Here are a few suggestions:
● Serve tasty veggies and fresh fruits for mealtime
● Organize parenting seminars and cooking classes for feeding kids well on a budget
● Ensure your daycare beverage policies comply with state rules by stocking natural, non-sugary options
● Track nutritional quotient and intake at your daycare facility to promote student wellness
Aside from this, you can apply for a grant to introduce a proper child-centered nutritional program for student wellness at the daycare.
Pro Tip: Keep parents informed and engaged by sharing weekly menu updates. If a child’s diet remains a concern, discuss the matter with the family, licensed nutritionists, and other healthcare providers.
3. Social and Emotional Learning for Preschoolers
The Education Development Center advocates the importance of developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs for preschoolers. Emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and self-discipline equip young learners with the ability to respond to social situations calmly. Additionally, it gives little ones a chance to make friends and develop positive relationships with staff and students.
You can promote SEL through the following:
● Positive self-talk to boost confidence
● Practicing kindness through community welfare programs
● Nurturing self-expression through “Show and Tell” activities, painting, and creative writing classes
● Use books to encourage empathy, compassion, respect for others, and healthy habits in children
● Listen to children attentively and avoid belittling their opinions
● Consult occupational therapists and pediatricians when dealing with children that show signs of mental health issues
● Hire a counselor that supports student wellness by helping them identify feelings and direct them toward something productive
Lastly, ensure your daycare strategies for student wellness support emotional and social needs. Give new children time to adjust before you penalize or punish them for bad behavior.
Are you looking for more resources? Read this guide from Harvard University. It explores factors shaping the development of health and wellness programs for young children's social and emotional needs to promote holistic growth.
In a Nutshell
Overall, student wellness at daycare may vary depending on every child's age and early development goals. Ensure your staff remains aware of the key developmental stages and has sufficient training to fulfill these children's social and emotional needs.
Organizing family-based activities and events to spread awareness about mental, social, emotional, and physical health can reinforce the importance of well-being in young children. Additionally, it creates a culture of learning, practicing, and devising new strategies to look after the well-being of young children.
We hope this guide taught you everything you need to develop health and wellness programs at your facility. If you have any queries or are interested in exploring these topics with experts, join our community.
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