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Field Trips for Toddlers: X Dos and Don’ts

Writer's picture: Standout DaycareStandout Daycare

Field trips can be a very exciting event for toddlers but for daycare providers, it is often nothing short of nerve-wracking. Leaving the safety of the classroom comes with various risks, which are important to keep in mind for your preschooler’s field trip.

Get a Parental Permission

Daycare providers should get written permission from parents asking to take their child on a field trip. The form should contain all the details of the field trip, the name of the place, the date and time, and the name of the teacher or carer who is organizing the trip and will accompany the children on the trip.

This also allows parents to fill out extra details about any special needs of their child, like motion sickness, allergies to certain foods, fainting spells, etc., so that the teacher remains prepared.

Prepare Chaperones

The field trip should have multiple chaperones and each chaperone should have a list of the names of all the students in their group as well as the cell phone numbers of their parents. The chaperone should carry a cell phone with them at all times and should have emergency contact numbers at all times.

It is also a good idea to tell the toddlers how you want them to behave and what they should follow, but for children younger than three years of age, this can be quite challenging. As such, the chaperone needs to keep a close eye on the children at all times.

Ensure Safe Transportation

One of the most important things of concern is to choose a safe mode of transportation for your children. Instead of hiring private vehicles, it is a good idea to use school buses (if your daycare provides one), which offer a safe and more familiar transportation setting for the child. You also need to make sure the person driving the vehicle is experienced and responsible.

Always Keep First-Aid

When going on a field trip, it is important that you take a first-aid kit with you, as small kids are prone to falls and injuries. The first-aid kit should consist of things like adhesive bandages, antiseptic solutions or cream, pain-relief sprays, soft cotton balls, a thermometer, and simple antibiotics for fever or cough.

This will help you remain prepared if a child gets injured during a field trip.

Keep Water and Fruit Juices

Daycare providers should keep lots of liquid ready in case of dehydration. When traveling, a lot of toddlers will forget to drink or eat and can easily get exhausted. Keeping fruity drinks prepared and ensuring the children drink them at regular intervals can help them keep energetic and prevent any medical emergencies due to dehydration.

Do Not Lose Sight of the Kids

Toddlers can disappear from your sight in seconds. To ensure you never lose sight of them, make sure the children wear brightly colored clothes or a daycare-issued uniform that can make them instantly recognizable and stand out from the crowd, whether they are at the beach or in a museum.

Don’t Lose Head Count

It can be a nightmare to find out you are short one precious child. To make sure all the children are where they are supposed to be, make regular head counts and check the name of each child in the list as you spot them. This will make sure everyone is accounted for.

Don’t Pick an Unfamiliar Place

Make sure that the place you choose to go is safe for kids. Check out the place beforehand before you announce the trip and find out if there are any possible risks for small children like choking hazards, poison, falls, etc.

Don’t Forget Basic Hygiene

Just because the children are not in daycare, doesn’t mean they should be allowed to put dirty hands in their mouths or eat with them. Before the children start eating, make sure they wash their hands properly. If there is no access to clean running water, it is a good idea to bring water bottles for washing with you or antibacterial hand wipes.

Don’t Bring Perishable Food

Make sure to pack safe and nutritious food for the children. Perishable products like milk or ice cream are not the best choice since they can become spoiled or need ice. Toddlers should be allowed to carry their own lunch bags or backpacks depending on how old they are. Adults should carry nutritious snacks and make sure the children eat them at the right time.

Leading a group of toddlers on a trip can be a lot to tackle, but it can turn out to be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience for all. If you want to find out more fun activities that toddlers can do, visit us at Standout Daycare and take a look at our blog, which can provide you with a list of amazing things to do with toddlers.

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